For this tutorial we will learn how to deploy a Telegram userbot at IPv6 VPS. So that you can do something powerful like stealing stickers on Telegram chat
Used repo:
Attention: some groups rule doesn’t allow telegram userbot, please use it carefully
Install packages
- Reset system for debian / ubuntu, if your vps’s system is currently at debian / ubuntu, you doesn’t need to reinstall
2. Install warp on vps
3. Install required packages, copy and paste this command
apt-get update apt-get install git imagemagick libzbar-dev neofetch tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-eng tesseract-ocr-chi-sim redis-server python3-pip -y cd /var/lib && git clone pagermaid && cd pagermaid pip3 install -r requirements.txt cp config.gen.yml config.yml
Get Telegram APP ID and Hash
- go to
- Login with your phone number
3. Click “API development tools”
4. Enter name as you like
5. You will get api_id and api_hash, copy and paste it for next step
6. Edit “config.yml” at “/var/lib/pagermaid” folder, replace your api_id and api_hash at this file
7. Run “python3 -m pagermaid” for account login
8. Type “-help” at any Telegram chats, and bot will edited your message as help menu
9. As you can see, the userbot default language is Chinese, type “-lang en” for change it to English
10. Enter this command for let bot always online at vps
cat <<'TEXT' > /etc/systemd/system/pagermaid.service [Unit] Description=PagerMaid-Modify telegram utility daemon [Install] [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/pagermaid ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -m pagermaid Restart=always TEXT
11. Enter “systemctl start pagermaid && systemctl enable pagermaid” for start bot
12. Type “-help” for check again
13. you can install plugins via “-apt install <plugin_name>” command at chats, and check plugins list at